Recent Thesis Titles
Chop Suey and Pastrami Sandwiches: An Examination of Chinese American and Jewish American Restaurants in the Americanization of Immigrants in New York City from the End of the Nineteenth Century to the Early-to-Mid Twentieth Century
Gender Bending Fashion: Deconstructing Dress Amid a Gender Revolution
The Legacy of Taylor vs. Board of Education of City School District of New Rochelle, 1961
Diversity or Inclusion: The Trust Gap Between Black Student Organizations and Cornell University
Crack(s) in the System: Local Perspectives on a National Crisis
Land of the free, home(s) of the brave: How housing affects civic engagement
Worlds Apart: The Challenges of School Integration Since Brown
Mary Cassatt’s Modernity: Redefining the Flâneur
Meeting Across Boundaries: Environmental Determinism and the Works of Richard Wright and William Faulkner
Speaking Truth to Power: The Art & Practice of the Black Woman's Intersectionality
"Get Big or Get Out": Roots and Ramifications of the 1973 Farm Bill
“The Last of the Cayugas:” Tracing a Narrative of Erasure in the Memorialization of Chief Logan in Auburn, New York
Collegiate Sexual Assault: The Intersectional Relationship Between Legislation, Media, and Campus Climate
Woman, Interrupted: Second-Wave Feminism and Women's Madness
Driving Aztlán
"Anyone's guess but his what world it was": Nathaniel Mackey's Wor(l)dless Reaches
Breaking Bad as Making Good: Prescriptive Ideology and Capital Accumulation
Biocatalogs: Pathological Bodies, Commercial Magazines, and the DIY Eugenics Project
David Mamet's Political Reorientation and its Effect on His Writing Career
An Analysis of Arguments About Pell Grants for Prisoners
Negotiating the Immigrant Culinary Identity: A Comparative Analysis of Filipino and Vietnamese Restaurateurs in New York City